Late, late, late #30daysofbiking update

Yes, I realize #30daysofbiking took place during April and it is now almost the end of May June. Oops!

After getting a really crummy cold during mid-April and missing out on riding for most of Week 3, I came back strong and finished out the month with a ride every day from April 17-30. Though I didn’t successfully ride all 30 days in April, #30daysofbiking got me back into regular cycling and bike commuting. I finished out the month having ridden roughly 260 miles, including the metric-century route of the Chico Wildflower.

I’ve been cycling a ton in May and have done some really fun rides/biking adventures (more on that soon). and have been bike commuting a lot more (either the full 15 miles from home to work, or the shorter 6 miles from home to public transit).

Here are some pics from the last month and a half.


Prince Memorial Parkway in Santa Rosa. One of my regular commute routes.


The husband at the mile 40 rest stop of the Chico Wildflower Century.


Morning coffee pit-stop.




The Peanuts gang is found all over my town.

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